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Friday, March 30, 2018


El Salvador has its share of comedians, even oddball ones. Fernan is one of those, talking about anything and everything under the sun, even parodying. He'll even answer questions from time to time, no matter how strange.

Monday, March 26, 2018


Imagine a webseries where you decide the fate of the characters as well as the storyline and timeline. Erin is joined in her apartment by Perry and Candace, who receive something leading to her apartment. Some sort of device that is sent to Erin causes strange things to happen and they try to get out of the apartment somehow.

Note:  Best Sci-Fi Fantasy, Minnesota Web Fest 2017.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Rudy Mancuso

Rudy Mancuso isn't just a musician who makes cool music videos. He makes comedy videos, including one where a superhero foursome is being sued by a well-known comics publisher as well as parodying well-known TV/movie series.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Los Buenos Cabros

Coming from Chile is a rather oddball comedy involving five brothers whose dad left them to start a new life. They find he's going to return home after several years, much to the opposition of Mauro, the older brother.

Translated from Spanish, Los Buenos Cabros means "The Good Fellows."

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Friday, March 9, 2018

Brave Wilderness

Coyote Peterson isn't exactly known as a wild man, even though he's an adventurer and wildlife expert. Follow along with him around the world as he demonstrates various creatures and their abilities from as small as a snail to as large as a bear, and maybe larger! In some cases, he puts himself in harm's way, allowing himself to be bitten or stung by the creature he's handling.

Note: 2017 Streamy nominee - Breakout Creator.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Binging with Babish

A young man had a dream of putting together two things which he enjoyed, filming and cooking. He does both rather excellently with a friend joining him sometimes. Join Babish as he shows you how he makes various dishes.

Note:  Streamy 2017 nominee for Breakout Creator.