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Sunday, December 28, 2014


Chescaleigh's videos are usually about cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity. She is committed to captioning, although at this time most of the videos are not captioned yet. Fortunately, some of the best videos are already captioned, such as "5 Comebacks for Your Racist Relative During the Holidays," "5 Tips for Being an Ally,", and "S___t White Girls Say...To Black Girls." To find the videos already captioned, go to the Videos listing page and look for the CC icon. Note: some videos may not have captions.


Shameless Maya

Maya asks the question "suppose I promoted myself shamelessly for a year?" This is her vlog about her social media experiment and her lifestyle topics, such as fashion, beauty, and her family, friends, and associates. She's not ashamed of who she is and hopes she can inspire other people. In her journey, she goes all sorts of places.

Full captioning, usually about three or four videos behind.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Nerdy Nummies

Nerdy Nummies are made by our host Rosanna Pansino. She shows us how she makes treats that have holiday and character themes. There's even a Borg-themed cake. (Don't worry, it won't assimilate you.) Nerdy Nummies was a 2014 Streamy Award nominee, but it lost out to Epic Meal Time, which does not caption. It was nominated again for a Streamy Award in the 2017 Streamy Awards.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Mix it With Missa

 Are you a Harry Potter fan? So's Missa. She shows us how to make fandom-, movie-, and holiday-themed drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and snacks.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Erin's Travels

Erin is a traveler, believes in traveling light, and that travel should not be expensive. That plus sampling the local food offerings.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


An amputee, occupational therapist, clinical researcher and peer educator, Christina Stephens tells her tale. She had a foot crush injury which required amputation. Today, she's also a speaker and collaborator, and can be interviewed. She's got informational videos related to wheelchairs, medical equipment, occupational therapy, and more. Her videos, while serious, have a lighthearted feel to them. One video even has her trying to make a prosthetic out of Legos!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


From Canada comes Sandi, our resident fingernail artist. She'll show you how to create nail art designs that are cute and easy.

Captions started with the video dated November 23, 2014.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Want insider access to the big daily deals? Deal-hunter Matt Granite has insider access that he wants to share with you, once a day.

Captioning began with the video dated December 5, 2014.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Two sisters, Tracy and Stefanie, share pointers and tips on affordable fashion and makeup.

Captioning began with the video dated November 20, 2014.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Wish it Inc

A comedy about a wish-granting service, the only one in the world. Wish-It Inc has granted them and denied them. Either way, paperwork's involved and there's magic in the office...

How It Should Have Ended

Alternative major motion picture endings parodied using cartoons or Legos. Some of the videos are quite hilarious. Remember Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan? In "How Star Trek: Into Darkness," they didn't get the "Khan!" reference and they found a way to keep people alive forever. Remember Transformers? They parodied them with "Transformers: Megatron Misses Shia." And Frozen? They did it. The girl with the freezing ability is now a part of the X-Men...

Monday, December 1, 2014

Healthy Food Channel

Join Nadia in her online healthy food community! Every week as she makes healthy recipes that are gluten-free and sugar-free and includes cooking tips. Share with her your experiences!