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Monday, May 27, 2013


Comedy from Geek and Sundry that pokes fun at children's shows, featuring two musicians. It appears to be for children, but upon watching, it is apparent it is actually for adults. Ten fully captioned episodes.

Verified December 2017

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Walk of Shame

This short series (six episodes) appears to be poking fun at sexuality with a young women versus young men theme. Definitely not safe for work.

Verified December 2017

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Space Janitors

From Geek & Sundry, "Space Janitors is a satirical and irreverent sci-fi comedy about life aboard an iconic evil space station as seen through the eyes of Mike and Darby, two custodians try to keep things clean in the midst of an intergalactic civil war." Eight fully captioned episodes.

Verified December 2017

Friday, May 3, 2013

Wainy Days

This popular mature audience show from My Damn Channel is about a man who actively seeks sensual pleasure and love.


Streamy Award - Best Guest Star in a Web Series
Streamy Award - Best Writing for a Comedy Web Series

Verified December 2017