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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Jack Marshall Can't Do This

Jack Marshall was elsewhere when he got the word his aunt died and left him a sizable fortune in her will. But first, he's got to stay in this house and not leave it for a year, according to the will. Interestingly enough, a butler named House comes with the house.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Feathers and Toast

A cooking show and comedy. Mix in some classical comedy in the style of the old comedians like Lucille Ball, some mime, with Margie and Tallulah wearing vintage clothing, and what do you get? Two barely-cooking cooks who play off each other, with Margie barely speaking, just physically being there and Tallulah's not even letting her do much.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

MWFP: 2046

In Australia, it is the year 2046 and it's part of a new world. They're using technology for various purposes including deciding the future of others. Lily is an android that has just been awakened and things start happening when she has to make selections for the upcoming web festival.

Note: In one scene, if one has read Isaac Asimov's classic "I, Robot" and seen the movie, his "Three Laws of Robotics" will come to mind.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Crypt TV

Fright Hype talks of some of the current horror movies and how they tie in with the older versions.

This is one of the MANY playlists about horror under the CryptTV channel. How deliciously scared we all love to be!

Friday, January 18, 2019


Jane is a comic book artist who lives in a small town and works in a comic book shop. It's some years since high school graduation, and she's met up with some old friends. At the same time, a demon prince by the name of Astaroth who only she can see wants to kill everyone after he transforms from a spirit to something of the flesh.

Note: Nominated for 2017 Streamy Awards - Indie Web Series

Season 1 -

Season 2 -

Season 3 -

Saturday, September 29, 2018


Art can be many things, sometimes it can be unexpected, using many mediums. Meet five artists from India, using unique methods for their art.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Happy Playland

A musical romance comedy set in a children's indoor playground. Billie has her heart set on being a stage actress. She takes a job at the indoor playground with two coworkers, Cris and Zara. Will she develop a romance with one of them?

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Kate and Joe Just Want to Have Sex

Kate and Joe are in a relationship. They do things, and then they try to have sex. But things have a way of getting in the way of doing it and the moment's gone. And try they do.

Note: Seeka requires all videos to be captioned. This is one example. Please use Chrome as the captions only work with it.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Rogan Shannon

Meet Rogan Shannon, describing himself as a "queer deaf guy with many interests." He talks about regular sign language and ASL including lessons, queer-related signs, book reviews, movie reviews, deaf experiences, and lots more.

labels full captioning, youtuber, deaf

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Annie Elainey

Meet Annie. She has a multiple disabilities, is LGBTQ, and has a Latinx background. She talks about her disability, her experiences, what she uses to get around, and introduces us to other disabled YouTubers.